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Preparing for Life Together

Marriage Preparation


Marriage is a life-long commitment and probably the most important commitment you make in life that cannot be taken lightly. However, nothing perfectly prepares us to do life together and intimately with another person. But by investing time and effort in going through marriage preparation, you and your partner can increase your chance of success in building a meaningful and rewarding marriage for the long haul.

How does marriage preparation help you and your partner?


  • Understanding each other

Marriage preparation helps you understand each other better, including your values, beliefs, and goals. This understanding can help you both develop a deeper connection and strengthen your relationship. It can also help you and your partner understand each other's expectations for the marriage. This can include discussing finances, household responsibilities, and other important issues that may arise in the future.

  • Navigating family dynamics

Marriage preparation can help you and your partner navigate the complex dynamics of each other's families. This can include understanding cultural differences, dealing with in-laws, and learning how to blend two families into one.

  • Learning new skills

Marriage preparation provides you and your partner with the opportunity to learn new skills, such as communication techniques and problem-solving strategies, that can help you navigate the challenges of marriage.

  • Turning toward each other

Marriage preparation can teach you and your partner practical skills for building a strong and lasting marriage. This can include learning how to make time for each other, how to keep romance alive, and how to support each other through life's ups and downs.

Check out our package fees.

Our Approach


Prepare/Enrich is one of the most widely used online assessment tool for couples who are considering marriage to identify their strengths and growth areas.

Based on the assessment results, we work with you and your partner to discuss key areas of your relationship with the following goals:

  • Explore strength and growth areas

  • Strengthen communication skills

  • Identify and manage major stressors

  • Resolve conflict

  • Develop a more balanced relationship

  • Explore family of origin issues

  • Discuss financial planning and budgeting

  • Establish personal, couple and family goals

  • Understand and appreciate personality differences

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